Consistency in Vendors Means Consistency in Branding

Consistency is the secret ingredient in an award winning recipe for business marketing communications. Imagine a circus without its star performers – chaos! However, using the same vendors for your videos and marketing materials is like having a trusted troupe of...

Ask about the kids

It’s not just about getting the sale or boosting profits. Your customers are people, and you should take the time to get to know them. Do they have kids?  Grandkids? If so, ask about them.  What about their hobbies?  What are they interested in? How do they spend...

BE OUT THERE – 3 tips to keep your business front and center

    When business is down, one of the first things to go is marketing.  But that’s when you need it most of all.  Customers need to know what you are doing to remain strong and ready to go back to work when it’s time.  Stockholders need to know how you are...

Branding Your Business

BRANDING. If we had one word to describe the most important thing in your business, that word would be branding. Branding is how you build loyalty and gain repeat customers, and it is critical for the success of any business. If someone says “Nike” to you, what comes...

The Importance of Live Event Videos

All live events have one thing in common:   MOTIVATE THE AUDIENCE And using Live Event Videos will help you do just that. Think of all the conferences you have ever attended. I would be wiling to bet that every one of them wanted you to come away with a new way of...